Case Case
Reverse scan of Buddha statue
Release time:2024-07-25 Views:86
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Reverse scan of Buddha statue

Buddhist art is a mixture of a influenced by the ancient Greek culture, India culture and the western culture, in the long process of historical development, it also has a history of thousands of years. The 3D data of a well-known domestic manufacturers to obtain high-precision statues of Buddha fine scanning, combined with reverse postprocessing software for Buddha scanning data processing, generating triangular mesh data, is conducive to the Buddha to save data and late two times design, reverse turning model.

Facing problems

Practical problems

Customers need to Handmade Buddha model by high precision 3D scanning data, then use 3D printer, but the surface details of Buddha rich texture and detail features need to Buddha full scan, more difficult, with the traditional method of scanning speed, the quality is difficult to guarantee not to meet customer needs.


CO3D  solutions

Because of the small size of the Buddha model, the more difficult to scan the texture, it takes a long time. Customers need to have an overall figure of Buddha by three-dimensional scanner to extract three-dimensional data, to produce the model, both to ensure that the scanning efficiency, but also to meet the requirements of the details. In order to win with more market to increase the competitiveness of enterprises.

Reverse scan of Buddha statue

Picture of the scene of the Buddha

  Huaguang Engineer for this series of problems developed a new scanning scheme, using camera type3dscanner HL-3dm+ and 3ds+ can quickly scan the image of Buddha model, 3ds+ scan outline and then use the 3dm+ scan to ensure the perfect details of Buddha, Buddha and details of the design, provides a powerful data for later design and two statues reverse modeling, successfully solved the problems of customers.

Reverse scan of Buddha statue

Figure of Buddha details STL data


Reverse scan of Buddha statue

Figures of Buddha STL data

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