Case Case
VR glasses reverse modeling
Release time:2024-04-26 Views:276
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        VR glasses are a product that uses simulation technology, computer graphics, human-computer interface technology, multimedia technology, sensing technology, network technology and other technologies. It is a new means of human-computer interaction created with the help of computers and the latest sensor technology.

Facing problems

        Customers need to scan and reverse model VR glasses, which requires high scanning accuracy. The shape of the workpiece is complex, with different contour shapes on each surface and many curved surfaces. Using traditional measurement methods is very cumbersome and time-consuming. And it is not easy to accurately and quickly measure and detect the structural appearance data of VR glasses.


        Based on the issues faced by the customers and scanning needs. HOLON3D engineers provide professional solutions: use the handheld 3D scanner Model 37 to quickly scan the workpiece. The precision mode can easily obtain narrow blind angle data, restore the 3D data 1:1, and import the scanned 3D data into the reverse design software to Perform reverse modeling. Improve work efficiency and solve customer needs.