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Application of three-dimensional scanning on wood carving
Release time:2024-07-25 Views:167
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Application of three-dimensional scanning on wood carving

Wood carving is a kind of carving. It is called 'folk craft' in our country. Carving with various kinds of wood and tree roots is a traditional carving process and an art. The traditional manual method takes time to replace, the amount of engineering is large, and the volume of silk art is not easy to display to the outside. The customer has a piece of wood carving on the Silk Road and needs to use 3D scanning technology to help solve these problems, speed up work efficiency, and improve quality.

Application of three-dimensional scanning on wood carving

Engraving scanning scene map

Facing problems

Practical problems

The customer's woodcarving 'Silk Road' is a few meters long and needs to be used for display. There are many details of woodcarving, which requires accurate scanning of each detail. The degree of restoration is high, the content of all aspects is complete, and the real experience is strong. Due to the long size and the rich engraving content, the general three-dimensional scanner is used for scanning, and the content cannot be highly restored. The precise engraving area cannot be scanned and the customer cannot be displayed. This requires the use of a new type of 3D scanner to scan and obtain data.

Application of three-dimensional scanning on wood carving

Engraving scanning scene map


Co3d solution

According to the scanned object and data usage. The use plan is to use handheld 3D scanner and photogrammetry system together.

Application of three-dimensional scanning on wood carving

Wood carving STL data chart

First, use a three-dimensional photogrammetry system to obtain 3D coordinates, affix coding points on the wood carvings, use the camera to shoot images at many different angles, introduce the images into the software through triangulation, the software automatically combines these images for calculation, and obtains coding points The 3D coordinates of the center of the circle. Then use a 3D scanner to perform a comprehensive scan of the wood carving, quickly obtain high-precision 3D scan data, and import 3D software to optimize the processing to obtain the data the customer needs.

Application of three-dimensional scanning on wood carving

Wood carving STL data chart

Application of three-dimensional scanning on wood carving

Wood carving STL data chart

The use of the 3D photogrammetry system in conjunction with the 3D scanner can reduce the synchronization data of the 3D scan data segmentation and improve the accuracy of the data. It is suitable for scanning wood sculptures and highly restored objects. Very good solution to the problems faced by customers.

Application of three-dimensional scanning on wood carving

Wood carving STL data chart

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