Case Case
3D scanning and inspection of precision and complex machined parts
Release time:2024-04-26 Views:283
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        A large machining manufacturer needs to conduct 3D inspection of precision and complex machined parts. Because precision and complex machined parts are indispensable and important components of mechanical equipment, quality control is very strict during production. HOLON3D engineers use photo-based 3D scanning The instrument HL-3DS+ quickly scans precision and complex workpieces to obtain high-precision three-dimensional data for three-dimensional inspection and comparative analysis to check whether the workpiece production is qualified.


On-site pictures of precision and complex machined parts

Facing problems

        1. Precision and complex workpieces have complex and irregular shapes, with different grooves on each surface and many angular shadows. There are many three-dimensional dimensions that need to be measured, which makes traditional measurement work very difficult.

        2. The use of traditional measurement methods is very cumbersome, time-consuming, and the data collection is insufficient (the amount of data is insufficient). The accuracy is difficult to guarantee. The irregular surfaces of the workpiece cannot be effectively measured, and precise and complex machined parts cannot be properly inspected.


        In view of the characteristics of complex shapes, many edges and shadows of precision and complex workpieces, HOLON3D technical engineers proposed a solution: use the camera-type 3D scanner HL-3DS+ to quickly scan to obtain the 3D data of precision and complex workpieces. The scanning process is not only fast, high-precision, It is easy to operate and takes a short time, which meets the scanning needs of customers and successfully solves the problems faced by customers.


STL data chart of precision and complex machined parts


STL data chart of precision and complex machined parts


Comparative analysis chart of precision and complex machined parts

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Model 52
Model 52
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