Case Case
Reverse design of air conditioning reversing valve
Release time:2024-08-01 Views:100
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Air conditioning usage is increasing. The reversing valve is a very important component in air conditioning. It is equivalent to a control valve that changes the direction of freon flow in the air conditioner to change the function of the air conditioner to achieve cooling, heating or Switching functions such as defrosting. The reversing valve is mainly used in a heat pump type air conditioner, and there are mainly four pipes connected to it in the structure. Therefore, the design and manufacture of the reversing valve is very important. If it does not meet the requirements, it will affect the normal use of the air conditioner, and it will not perform well, and the service life will be affected. Therefore, reverse design of the reversing valve is an important process, which can be compared by data. A customer in Guangzhou needs to scan and measure the air-conditioner reversing valve to get the reverse design of the data.

Reverse design of air conditioning reversing valve

Air conditioning reversing valve field scan

Facing problems

Practical problems

The reversing valve is composed of a valve body and four connecting tubes. The composition of the reversing valve is complicated, the joint is easy to cause dead angle, the surface is not neat, and it is difficult to splicing. The small hole in the connection capillary brings some difficulty to the scanning work.

Ordinary 3D scanners measure, although the volume is not large, but the details of the part, the scanning accuracy is not high, not complete, can not meet the customer's requirements, the effect is not good.

Reverse design of air conditioning reversing valve

Air conditioning reversing valve field scan



Reverse design of air conditioning reversing valve

Our engineers used a new handheld 3D scanner for measurement and selected the HOLON760 handheld 3D scanner.

The HOLON760 handheld 3D scanner has a very fast scanning speed and high measurement accuracy. It can meet the high efficiency and high quality requirements of customers without the need of a photogrammetric system. 7 sets of crossed laser lines plus an additional laser line for a total of 15 laser lines, can also be replaced by a single laser scanning mode, multi-directional different angle scanning, suitable for scanning deep holes and dead angles, in line with the complexity of customer workpieces. The automatic splicing technology of the marking points makes the operation process flexible and convenient, greatly improves the working efficiency, and the new research and development technology is guaranteed and saves time. The scanned data is imported into the 3D software to obtain a complete high-precision data map. Convenient, easy to operate and save time. In line with customer needs, the data map is effective and accurate.

Reverse design of air conditioning reversing valve

Air conditioning reversing valve field scan

Reverse design of air conditioning reversing valve

Air conditioning reversing valve STL data chart

Reverse design of air conditioning reversing valve

Air conditioning reversing valve STL data chart

Reverse design of air conditioning reversing valve

Air conditioning reversing valve STL data chart

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