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Three dimensional scanning of acupuncture bronze figure
Acupuncture bronze man is a model of human meridians and acupoints invented by ancient Chinese physicians for acupuncture and teaching. Acupuncture bronze man plays an important role in the history of Chinese medicine. The whole body of the bronze man is cast from bronze. In order to accurately restore the positions of the meridians and acupoints of the bronze man, modern three-dimensional measurement technology has created a perfect continuation of the essence of ancient Chinese medicine.
Practical problems
1. The whole body of the bronze man is cast from bronze, and the surface is reflective. The customer requires that the developer cannot be sprayed;
2. There are many meridian and degree details on the bronze man. The customer requires high-precision restoration to provide data support for subsequent project research.
Co3d solution
Equipment: Handheld blue laser 3D scanner: Holon 771
22 all blue laser scanners can scan black objects and reflective objects without spraying developer. The precision of 3D scanner Holon 771 fine mode is as high as 0.01mm, and the real details are restored in super fine.
STL data chart of acupuncture bronze man
STL data chart of acupuncture bronze man
STL data chart of acupuncture bronze man