Case Case
Camera 3D scanning
Release time:2024-04-26 Views:242
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        A camera is a device that uses optical principles to record images. In the early days of the invention of the camera, it was mainly used for film and TV program production, but now it has become popular and easy to carry, and has almost become a necessary electrical appliance in life. Now we need to display the camera online and use 3D scanning technology to obtain display data.


Scanning renderings

Facing problems

        The customer needs data modeling for presentation, so the data accuracy is very high. It can fully demonstrate the advantages of the camera in all aspects and give users a real look and feel. Use the latest 3D scanning technology to obtain data. The accuracy of the data obtained by previous scanning equipment is not high, so it is not suitable for display, and the 3D experience is not good.


Scanning renderings


        Based on customer needs and workpiece conditions, Hualang technical engineers quickly provided a solution: using a handheld 3D scanner Model 29. Since the camera is black in appearance, you need to spray a layer of powder on the surface first. Then use a handheld 3D scanner to quickly scan to obtain high-precision data from the camera. Through reverse modeling software processing, the three-dimensional model of the camera is obtained. Putting the obtained three-dimensional model on the platform for display can truly show the camera and improve the customer's sensory experience.


Scan reverse data graph


Scan reverse data graph

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A total of 93 blue laser lines, including photogrammetry function mode, using 75 cross blue laser lines for large-range mode, standard mode + 17 parallel blue laser lines for precision mode + 1 blue laser line for deep hole scanning; faster scanning speed, higher accuracy and stronger stability; this product has been widely used in the fields of 3D detection and reverse engineering, with flexible and convenient operation process, suitable for various complex application scenarios.
The country's first exclusive technology, multiple scanning modes, both handheld laser scanning and fixed automatic scanning; it not only achieves the high accuracy of photo-based 3D scanners, but is also compatible with the strong adaptability of handheld 3D scanners to the workpiece surface. ;At the same time, the scanning speed is fast, freeing up manpower and improving efficiency.
The camera-type 3D scanner (α7000) adopts the world's new coding calibration technology, which is the core mastery and application of 3D photogrammetry technology. It reduces physical distortion and improves the scanning accuracy of original 3D data. Heterodyne multi-frequency phase-shifting grating technology is used to improve the quality of scanning point clouds. Synchronized with the German gom company, it truly has a blue light device scanning system, and the photo-type 3D scanner scans data point spacing up to 0.01mm, which is suitable for scanning fine workpieces; it adopts a new core design concept and applies carbon fiber materials to improve the stability of the product during operation. .