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During the operation of the turbine, the leakage and cylinder deformation of the turbine are the most common equipment problems. The tightness of the cylinder binding surface directly affects the safe economic operation of the unit. Important tasks, in the process of processing the leakage of the surface of the surface, carefully analyze the reasons for formation. According to the degree of deformation and the size of the gap, various methods can be comprehensively used to meet the strict requirements of the binding surface. Customers found HOLON3D to scan the turbine, and the scanned data was used for reverse design for processing.
1. The steam turbine has a large volume and shape, small blade row clearance, easy to form an angle, and high accuracy of scanning data required by customers.
2. Customers want to scan 3D data for reverse modeling, which requires fast scanning speed and complete data, which is very challenging.
Scan of the steam turbine site
1. According to the needs of customers, HOLON3D Engineering Division proposed a solution: use Handheld 3D scanner Model 37+ 3D photogrammetry HL-3DP scans the steam turbine. The scanning speed is up to 2,020,000 measurements/sec with a maximum accuracy of 0.01mm. Obtain complete 3D data of steam turbines quickly and with high precision, which provides a reference for the next step of reverse modeling.
2. According to the 3D data of the scanner scanner, HOLON engineers use reverse design software to carry out 3D modeling of the steam turbine for later maintenance and reproduction to improve efficiency.
Steam turbine STL data diagram
Steam turbine STL data diagram