Case Case
3D scanning of steam turbine parts
Release time:2024-04-25 Views:212
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        Steam turbine parts are complex and changeable, and the steam turbine in the process of operation, the temperature of the steam turbine changes greatly, and will expand along the length, width and height of the three directions. The customer decided to scan the steam turbine and reverse engineer the scanned data for processing.

Steam turbine parts scanning site

Facing problems

        1. The parts are varied, and the data cannot be guaranteed to be stable and reliablein the measurement process

        2. The steam turbine mechanism is complex, the surface direction is changeable, and the difficulty of data collection of part details is greatly increased 3. The volume of steam turbine parts is large, the measurement workload is large, and the measurement speed needs to meet the requirements of the enterprise

Steam turbine parts scanning site


        1. HOLON handheld 3D scanner comes with a variety of scanning modes, for different workpieces and a variety of features, quickly switch the corresponding scanning mode, different scanning modes of the equipment radiation laser line style, greatly reduce the contrast of data changes in the scanning process,
        2. The small features on the surface of the part, using fine mode, under the irradiation of multiple parallel laser lines, the small features of the part can also be perfectly captured, rich detailed data, and the maximum scanning accuracy can reach 0.01mm.
        3. For the measurement of large-scale parts, the large-range mode is adopted, and the cross-laser is used to the greatest extent to quickly capture the data, and the contour data is generated immediately.

Steam turbine parts scanning site

Steam Turbine Part STL Data Diagram

Steam Turbine Part STL Data Diagram