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3D Scanning of King Yue Goujian Sword
Release time:2024-07-25 Views:176
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The Yue King Goujian sword, unearthed in Hubei, has always been amazed by its exquisite craftsmanship. The complex diamond shaped texture of the sword body and dense concentric circular patterns on the base are the most prominent features of the sword. To highly replicate the detailed features of the Yue King Goujian sword, the entire three-dimensional data of the sword was scanned.

3D Scanning of King Yue Goujian Sword

Physical image of King Yue Goujian's sword

Facing problems

Facing problems

  The surface texture is complex and requires high precision, which requires data support for subsequent product imitation. Using traditional measurement methods, it is difficult to achieve the same pattern texture as the imitated pattern, and it consumes too much time and labor costs.

3D Scanning of King Yue Goujian Sword

 Scanning Scene Map of King Yue Goujian's Sword



  Hualang engineers use a handheld 3D scanner A22, with a scanning speed of up to 1.32 million times/second in standard mode, which clearly restores surface textures. In deep hole mode, single line laser height restores dead corner data. Compatibility in multiple modes can help restore ancient artifacts quickly and with high quality, allowing this rare treasure to be reproduced in front of the world.

3D Scanning of King Yue Goujian Sword

Sword STL data graph

3D Scanning of King Yue Goujian Sword

Sword STL data graph

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