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3D scanning of carbon fiber products
Release time:2024-07-25 Views:175
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Carbon fiber refers to high-strength and high modulus fibers with a carbon content of over 90%. High temperature resistance ranks first among all chemical fibers. It is an excellent material for manufacturing high-tech equipment such as aerospace and aviation. The main purpose of carbon fiber is to manufacture advanced composite materials

3D scanning of carbon fiber products

Scan physical images of the scene

Facing problems

Facing problems

Due to the softness of the material, it is necessary to measure whether the appearance is deformed. Traditional measurement methods cannot measure curved surfaces and radians, making it difficult to detect them properly



According to the problem faced by the enterprise: Hualang technical engineers use a handheld 3D laser scanner HOLONB71 to conduct all-round scanning of the product, multi line blue light laser scanning, high-precision data scanning, and obtain accurate and reliable data. By comparing the generated three digit data map with the original data map, it is very intuitive to see data errors, which is more convenient for targeted adjustments, improving product production efficiency, and effectively reducing enterprise production costs.

3D scanning of carbon fiber products

Product STL Data Chart

3D scanning of carbon fiber products

 Product Data Comparison Chart

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