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Foam mold 3D scanning
Release time:2024-04-26 Views:328
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        The foam molding mold is a plastic foam mold. The principle is to fill the foaming resin directly into the mold, let it melt when heated, and form a gas-liquid saturated solution. Through nucleation, a large number of tiny bubble nuclei are formed, and the bubble nuclei grow to make foam plastic parts. During the use of the mold, the punch is prone to breakage, bending and gnawing, and is prone to damage. The customer wants to use 3D scanning technology to obtain data retention for easy repair of mold damage later.

Foaming mold site picture

Facing problems

        After clear communication with the customer, our engineering and technical personnel will take the equipment to the customer's site for demonstration. Equipment used: photo scanner HL-3DX. Photographic scanners use photographic principles to perform non-contact three-dimensional optical scanning to obtain three-dimensional data on the surface of objects. First, dots are placed on the object and sprayed with powder, and then a scanner is used to take pictures one by one. The data is displayed in real time and automatically spliced on the computer. Then the point cloud is processed. After processing, high-precision data can be exported.

        The photo scanner has fast scanning speed and high data acquisition accuracy. The system is small, easy to disassemble and assemble, easy to carry to the scene, and easy to learn and understand. The customer is very satisfied with our scanning demonstration data. The data is complete and the details are processed well. He also feels that the equipment is easy to use and can improve work efficiency.


        After clear communication with the customer, our engineering and technical personnel will take the equipment to the customer's site for demonstration. Equipment used: photo scanner HL-3DX. Photographic scanners use photographic principles to perform non-contact three-dimensional optical scanning to obtain three-dimensional data on the surface of objects. First, dots are placed on the object and sprayed with powder, and then a scanner is used to take pictures one by one. The data is displayed in real time and automatically spliced on the computer. Then the point cloud is processed. After processing, high-precision data can be exported.

         The photo scanner has fast scanning speed and high data acquisition accuracy. The system is small, easy to disassemble and assemble, easy to carry to the scene, and easy to learn and understand. The customer is very satisfied with our scanning demonstration data. The data is complete and the details are processed well. He also feels that the equipment is easy to use and can improve work efficiency.

Foam mold STL data chart

Foam mold STL data chart

Foam mold STL data chart

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