Case Case
3D inspection of automotive glass
Release time:2024-08-01 Views:111
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Car glass is an essential part of car body accessories, mainly playing a protective role. A well-known automotive parts production company hopes to obtain the contour of the glass for subsequent quality testing.


Physical image of car glass

Facing problems

Practical problems

  It is necessary to quickly obtain three-dimensional data and contour of glass. The glass itself has a special material, and the surface color is transparent and curved. Traditional measurement methods are not accurate enough to meet the detection requirements.

614a7064d09c6ac4525d204de9e31cb8_6383435906712868884021844.jpgPhysical image of car glass


Co3d solution

  Spray imaging agent to improve the contrast of the substrate on the sample surface and obtain better scanning data. Hualang engineers use a 3D handheld 3D laser scanner HOLON B71 for automotive glass inspection, with a scanning speed of 2.02 million times/second and an accuracy of 0.02mm. They quickly obtain 3D data of automotive glass, import inspection software to compare with the original data, and quickly generate comparative analysis to meet customer scanning needs.

bd19c9f7b0e92a4bcd9609811418cdf5_6383435926209782501691583.jpgCar Glass STL Data Chart


Comparative Inspection Diagram of Automotive Glass

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